Our ever popular Alabaster Globe Candle Holders are now available in 5 sizes
ranging from 8cm to 20cm wide. See the Shop page for prices
Tower Vases in 3 sizes
8x8x12cm 8x8x15cm and 8x8x18cm
Tower Vases in 3 sizes
8x8x12cm 8x8x15cm and 8x8x18cm

Cube Candle Holders in 3 sizes
8x8cm 10x10cm and 12x12cm
Our Carved Range of Dining Ware:
Round Serving Bowls
Small 12x12x5cm
Medium 12x12x5cm
Square Serving Plates
Small 10x10cm
Medium 20x20cm
Large 25x25cm
Rectangular Serving Platters
Small 20x12cm
Medium 30x15cm
Large 40x18cm
New for this year are beautiful Wall Sconces. These give an really soft, period light, gorgeous in hallways or darker corners.
We also have a selection of Floor Lamps which are just stunning.
For all enquiries, please contact us at any time